Hyperspectral Imaging
Humans can see all colors within the visible spectrum, but that doesn't mean that that we have spectral vision. We see color by measuring the ratio between three main color bands: Red, Green and Blue. Narrow band spectral details are averaged away within these bands. With the use of a hyperspectral camera we can make images in which each pixel contains spectral reflection data. Our hyperspectral camera captures images within the range between 420 and 980 nm. which covers the full visible spectrum (VIS) and a part of the near infra red (NIR) with an accuracy of 3 nm. The per pixel spectral reflection data offers a lot more information than traditional color images.

On the left: 3D representation of hyperspectral image showing spectral axis. On the right: A Pixel Spectrum plotted in a chart.
Example of hyperspectral image:

Our hyperspectral camera is based on a line scan imaging system also known as push broom mechanism. Roll movements of the aircraft during the flight causes the scan line to move around. This is corrected using software but will result in less accurate geolocated images. Therefore the hyperspectral images are recommended to use as pre-research to define wavelength bands for your application.
On request DRO-Remote Seninsing can perform hyperspectral image analysis for you. We also give seminars on how to use and interpret hyperspectral datasets.

Discrimination detection/ wavelength band definition Quantification with hyperspectral image analyses